Falls Lodges - Isle of Mull

Self-Catering Lodges With Panoramic Views

Contact Us

We can be contacted on:

Telephone: 01688 302941

Mobile: 07748 352 168

Email: info@fallslodges.co.uk


Postal Address:

Falls Lodges
Wood Cottage Croft
Isle of Mull
PA75 6QB



Find us

Falls Lodges are located just outside Tobermory, off the Salen - Tobermory road.

Coming from Salen follow the A848 for about 9 miles. Shortly after the signs for Aros Park you will see a small green-roofed 'shelter' on the left of the road. Our entrance is directly opposite on the right of the road.

Coming from Tobermory follow the signs for Salen and about .5 mile from the roundabout you will see the green 'shelter' on the right. Our entrance is directly opposite, on the left.