Falls Lodges - Isle of Mull

Self-Catering Lodges With Panoramic Views

Oscar The Lonely Pony

The Front Cover of "Oscar The Lonely Pony"

Oscar the Lonely Pony is the true story of an orphan Shetland pony foal. Rehomed, he struggles with the strange surroundings and the weird animals that are next to him.

The book tells of the challenges that the sad and lonely foal must face: from looking for a friend, to accepting the new way to drink milk, the only thing that will help him survive since he is so young.

He finds a friend in an orphan highland calf who teaches him to drink milk again. They form a close bond and go everywhere together.

Visitors to the farm find it amazing that the two different species get on so well. Both the foal and the calf flourish and are allowed out from the shed, where they have a wonderful time running and playing in the warm summer sunshine.

The uniqueness of the story is that it is true and all the characters really exist and there is a happy ending.

Written by croft owner, Sis MacDougall, with beautiful illustrations by Mull artist, Jennifer Jack.

It is a wonderful keepsake for children who have visited the croft - or a great introduction to the characters at the croft, for future visitors.

It is available directly from the author or from Tackle and Books in Tobermory or via Amazon. All the links will open in a new window.

In Preparation:

Dippy Duck & the Pom Pom Gang

This book is again based on a true story about our animals.

In this case it is about a duckling who hatched at the same time as a number of polish bantams. Polish bantams are quite striking birds:

A Polish Bantam

Dippy the duckling was quite plain:


The story is about how they all went about the farm together: the 3 polish chicks and this wee duck.